Saturday, January 18, 2020

New Pokemon Nintendo Direct Coming Later This Week

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Surprise! Pokemon Sword and Shield might barely be in the rear view mirror, but there's a brand new Pokemon-themed Nintendo Direct coming later this week.

The Pokemon Direct will officially take place on Thursday, January 9. It'll be kicking off at 6:30 a.m. PT, and will be running for roughly 20 minutes.

There's really no telling what this could be from Nintendo. An educated guess puts this as a Direct that's focused on new content for Pokemon Sword and Shield, since the pair of games only launched back in November 2019.

In saying that, 20 minutes is a long time for Nintendo to focus on DLC for games that are already out. There's always the possibility that the Direct could focus on either Pokemon Go, or Pokemon Masters. Both games are out right now on both iOS and Android platforms, and there's no reason this Direct couldn't focus on new content for either game.

Any guesses as to what Nintendo could showcase? Let us know in the comments below.

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