Wednesday, March 25, 2020

VA of 'Pokemon' star Ash Ketchum sends out coronavirus PSA

Iconic anime character and would-be Pokemon master Ash Ketchum normally concerns himself with catching Pokemon rather than catching diseases, but fans of the video game, anime, movie and trading card franchise don't have this luxury. As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the world, many celebrities and influencers are trying to help encourage their fans to stay safe and healthy. And now, Ash Ketchum is one of these celebrities. Taking to Twitter, voice actress Veronica Taylor, the original voice of the iconic character, put up a short PSA video using an Ash Ketchum prop to spread awareness of the coronavirus. "Okay trainers, Ash Ketchum here, it's time to work together!" Taylor says in character. "As this coronavirus spreads worldwide, we can battle it by staying home – especially if you're sick." Taylor also encouraged Pokemon fans to practice social distancing and, of course, washing their hands. "We need to stand together as a community," she continued. "Often symptoms don't show up for five day, and you're actually more contagious during this time. You can actually pass on COVID-19 to two, three or more people without even knowing it. So, take care of others by taking care of yourself." The video concluded by saying that "It's better to catch Pokemon than to catch this virus." In related news, the franchise's major foray into the mobile gaming market, Pokemon Go, has made updates to the game to allow users to spend as little time as possible outdoors and still be able to enjoy the game to its fullest. var cont = `Sign up for The Jerusalem Post Premium Plus for just $5Upgrade your reading experience with an ad-free environment and exclusive content

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